Volunteer With Us

The Brunton Park Scout Group ‘catchment’ community is growing as a result of new housing in the surrounding areas – Great Park and beyond, and we need to be prepared to meet the demand for growth and provide places for boys and girls.

We have expanded by opening a second Beaver Colony and second Cub Pack (Feb 2022) – it’s just the start to meet new demand and interest.  Join the Adventure – and Volunteer.

Volunteering with Scouting is easier than you think…!

Scouting is about everyday people working as leaders and supporters in Scout Groups in their communities, giving young people confidence, a sense of purpose, life values and outdoor skills that are hard to find anywhere else – we call this everyday adventure!

Part of Scouting’s modern appeal to adults is our approach to flexible volunteering, it’s great when people can make a regular commitment to help to provide weekly scouting to young people but we know it’s not always possible. People nowadays have busy, often unpredictable lives – meaning that they can’t commit set hours, on set days.

All our volunteering opportunities are based on a flexible volunteering model, meaning that if you are unable to make the meeting its fine, we don’t expect everyone to be available every week. Scouting is still scouting, whether you’re involved once a week, once or twice a month, every six weeks or even once a year; and whether you are in the thick of activities with a group of young people or working behind the scenes in a management, trustee or support role. Everyone has something to offer as far as supporting Scouting is concerned, whatever your age or ability, and there are lots of ways to get involved.

As well as the more obvious roles as Leaders and Helpers working directly with children we have a range of roles for adults helping behind the scenes:

  • Administration
  • Website,
  • Skills and badges,
  • Social events,
  • Building maintenance, Gardening help etc,
  • Finance,
  • Trustee
  • Other things – You tell us what you want to do

Through the adventure of Scouting, young people get to take controlled risks in a safe environment, and have one of their first tastes of responsibility. We aim to give young people experiences they’ll never forget. You don’t have to have any previous experience, or any specialist knowledge, just a passion to see children develop into confident young people. If you’re interested come and let us know.

Adults and Helpers

The Scout Associations award-winning training scheme for volunteers means that adults get as much from Scouts as young people. Our approach focuses on what you want to get out of volunteering with Scouting, while respecting how much time you can offer. Over 90% of Scout volunteers say that their skills and experiences have been useful in their work or personal life.

How much time you give is up to you, and you don’t need any previous experience. Scouting have a huge variety of roles to suit everyone, and whatever role you choose, we’ll make sure you’re properly trained and supported.

Adults and Helpers Join in the fun and Adventure and you never know you might even enjoy it yourself!

If you would like to join the team and enjoy the fun, friendship and adventure of Scouting, we would really welcome your support. You can work directly with young people or in a behind the scenes role as a team or individual. Prior experience or a connection with Scouting is not necessary and we welcome people from different backgrounds. Remember, you can decide how much or little time you give to Scouting.

More info - Adults in Scouting

There are many ways that Adults can be involved in the Scout Group family.

Come back to Scouting

Where you a scout in the past? Do you remember having fun camping, playing wide games or an evening spent around a camp fire? Why not help today’s young people get the most they can out of their scouting experience.

Parents – behind the scenes

After the uniformed members of the group, Parents are the next most important group of people associated with the group. Parents can help in many ways not least by ensuring that the young people attend regularly and arrive and are collected on time.

Parents also have a wide range of experience and knowledge that they can pass on. We encourage all parents to take part in the parents rota and volunteer to help with one meeting a term, (don’t worry, you will not be left to fend for yourself !). Not only will you have the chance to experience an activity that your child enjoys, you might just realise you are having fun yourself too.

The group is also dependent on parents to help with administration, maintenance of property, finance, social and fundraising activities, this need only take up an hour or 2 of your time in one area. Perhaps you have some great ideas to share about working differently – social events and how else we could raise funds.

How can I help with Scouting?

There are many ways in which you can give your time to help Scouting whatever your gender, age, abilities and skills. Simply let us know your availability and how you would like to help. All the different roles are explained here.

If you are interested please get in touch.

The Impact of Scouting, youth members report the following:

Young people will develop a wide range of skills through

  • 82% of young people said that Scouting helps them to develop their character and confidence.
  • 87% of young people said that Scouting helped them to contribute to their communities.
  • 92% of young people said that Scouting helped them build good relationships and social skills.
  • 88% of young people said that Scouting helped them at school and in employment.

But it’s not just the young people, the report also found that volunteers benefited greatly too:

    • 91% of volunteers said that Scouting had helped them develop key skills, such as leadership, teamwork, character development and social skills.
    • 97% of volunteers said that being involved helped them with relationship-building.
    • 97% of volunteers said that Scouting helped them develop their volunteering activity including contributing to the community, improved understanding of the community and improved skills for volunteering
    • 95% said that Scouting helped them improve their physical skills, including the improved ability to cope with outdoor conditions.

So what’s holding you back?

I don’t have a background in Scouting, does this matter?

No previous Scouting experience is needed. Energy and enthusiasm are the qualities we are looking for.

I will only be able to help out on a flexible basis, is this ok?

Yes. There are many different ways to help in Scouting and many of these can be adapted to suit your needs. Whether you can help out once a fortnight, month or term or just at special events or camps, there is bound to be a role you can play. Learn more.

Will I get paid?

Unfortunately, as a voluntary organisation we are unable to pay volunteers for the time they give to Scouting. Out of pocket expenses are paid and we offer opportunities for leaders to take part in activities and social activities.

What are the benefits of helping out?

There are a number of benefits you can gain from volunteering. Spending time with your child, learning new skills and contributing to your community are just a few of the reasons why our current Leaders choose to spend some of their spare time in Scouting.

I don’t have a specific skill but am keen to help out, what can I do?

Everyone will have a skill, attribute or ability that they can pass on to our young people. One of the best things about volunteering however, is the chance to learn new skills you may not have been able to otherwise.

Do I have to wear uniform?

No. Although Scouting is a uniformed organisation, adults in Scouting do not have to wear a uniform.

Are there any age restrictions on helping out?

As long as you are over 18 years of age, you can help out as an adult volunteer in Scouting. There is no upper age limit for adult volunteers. If you are aged between 14-18, there is the option of becoming a Young Leader. Find out more about the Young Leaders’ Scheme.

Will I be insured?

Yes. All Members are covered under our Personal Accident and Medical Expenses Policy.

So what next?

Don’t be shy, act today. Why not contact us to see what it’s all about. If you know somebody who’d be perfect, point them towards us as well.

Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

Find out more